Please be aware, authorization numbers have changed, as of 12/11/23. Please be sure to enter your newly assigned Authorization number for successful login! Otherwise, you will receive the following error message - “Account cannot be located”.
* Required Fields

Login Screen

Don't have a Login ID?

Enroll today to set up your secure user name and password, view and pay bills, and see your account status and payment history.


Pay Now


Not Enrolled? To pay your invoice enter the Account Number and Authorization Number as they appear on your invoice: Acct # A123456 Auth # 0000123456.


If you have no open balance the system will not allow you to login. Also, be aware, that Invoices can take 1-3 business days to upload. If you have a received a new invoice and you are unable to login, please check your invoice date and try again tomorrow. If you need assistance, please use the “Contact Us” link (below) to communicate with CLA.


Payments received by 1 AM CT will be recorded by CLA the following day. Payments may take up to 2 business days to be reflected in your balance. Invoices paid in full are removed within 2 business days.
Enter your password.